go here We have many, many shares on our page and ideas given to us by our members on events they would like to see us host on the server, but nothing prepared us for the amount of links we received for Clinic Craft. You all spoke, and we listened, and we bring you our own Clinic Craft building competition.
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https://www.marineetstamp.com/n8dhvfxy6 For those who haven’t heard of Clinic Craft, it’s a simple but brilliant idea brought to us in partnership with Save the Children: just build a clinic in Minecraft and raise awareness and money to help Save the Children build and equip a real clinic in a remote area of Liberia to help prevent deaths in children under one.
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follow site For more information, you can visit their site here.
https://www.elevators.com/u0hedl62kp7 source Donating:
follow link This is unfortunately where it gets a little confusing. Clinic Craft is a UK-based event, so when you’re looking at the website, the donate button will NOT work for any of my American friends.
https://danivoiceovers.com/ltpr8nkj However, after speaking with the organiser, we have been provided with a special link that, even though it goes to Save the Children, any money donated here will go into the Clinic Craft pot; just follow the link and don’t forget to change the slider at the top to change your donation into $USD.
https://www.marineetstamp.com/zelmtfon go to site Our event:
see On the server, we couldn’t let the opportunity for an event slip by us, so with a little help, we have created a 48-hour build challenge for you all.
https://penielenv.com/y8wq9g674f That’s right; Starting on Saturday the 30th of August at 2pm EST and finishing on the 31st we are going to give you 48 hours to build a clinic of your very own! You can either do this as a team or on your own. You will have a 20 x 30 block plot, and you can be as creative as you wish; you don’t have to follow the blueprint or any laws of physics. Just get creative and make sure it looks like a clinic at the end. Don’t forget to decorate the interior, too. There will be a supply shed filled with some basic materials, but you will also be allowed to bring your own resources in, too. All ages are welcome!
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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/btmcseuo9l First prize is a little special. Clinic Craft itself is also holding a competition for the best clinic, and we want the First-place winner to be the official community entry in this. That’s right: we will be entering the winning build to represent us in this challenge. This winner will also receive a set of power tools which include the power pick axe and power shovel. On top of this already fabulous bunch of goodies the 1st place winner will get to choose either a zombie or skeleton horse to have at their home as well as a free turn on the toad hut.
https://dcinematools.com/rzmassx99f 2nd Place will receive a Power Pick axe and a free go on the toad hut.
https://alldayelectrician.com/t1wkame9 3rd Place get the Power Shovel and also a free go on the toad hut.
Can You Order Tramadol Online Legally As this is a Mutiplatform event, if players from the PS3 or Xbox win we have some special (un-official) Minecraft goodies for you to win
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source link So the challenge is over, and you may or may not have won. Clinic Craft is not just asking for money! They want you to raise awareness for the charity and is in need of this, so maybe you could share your build with your friends along with the link, post it on Twitter, or stick it on Reddit. You could even enter it into the Clinic Craft competition in your own name. We want you to spread the word and give this cause some attention!
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Tramadol Cheap We always says thanks to the admin team for putting together these events, and with this one, we did help but very little. My beautiful daughter Trixabella_z was moved incredibly by this project and took on nearly all the work herself, leaving only the finishing touches to the admin team. For this, we are very grateful and owe special thanks.
enter xxMolly