Builders Wanted – CLOSED

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/kpm8bou4 Community builds are the best and always the most fun! We need Builders to help with a new project that promises to be a lot of fun not only during the build, but for future game nights as well.



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Cheap Tramadol Online We’re looking for people who love to build and take a lot of pride in their work to help with an underground city on Main. We need a few big buildings (ex: a hospital, police station, schools) but also stores, office buildings, corner shops, and houses for the residential area. Anything you can think of that belongs in a major city, we want it! We need them all and we need a lot!




https://danivoiceovers.com/uutzze4m Tools and materials will be provided in our supply “shed” so don’t worry about bringing or gathering anything (except maybe food and your armor because there are mobs down there). Players will be in survival but will have the ability to fly while in the area.


https://geolatinas.org/amnivsi6b Once the city is done the area will then be used as a PvP arena! Not a fan of PvP? That’s okay, you can still help us build.

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go site When creating your buildings remember that it’s okay for them to be dark (mob griefing is off on Main so no damage can be done by mobs) and to create hiding places too. Lincoln and I just tried it out in one of the buildings and had a lot of fun hiding in closets and basements.

see url



see It’s looking good but it can be great and we need YOUR help! To become a Master Builder just sign up below with your name, IGN, and what building you think you’d like to build. Like I said we need them all, but if we do get too many of one type we may ask if you could build something different.


Order Tramadol Online Cheap The build site will open this weekend starting May 28th and remain open for building until the site is done. The command block leading to the area will be team specific so you must sign up to become a builder.


Order Tramadol Overnight Cod Can’t wait to see what we come up with!

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