see url Come and join us on NuNu to celebrate Halloween with Trick or Treating and a maze game night! There will be a CB from the holiday area near CT. site We will have two event runs for the maze with prizes:
Tramadol Uk Buy Saturday, October 24th at 9 PM EST/8 PM CST
Sunday, October 25th at 10 AM EST/9 AM CST Prizes will only be given to those who are brave enough to enter and FINISH the Halloween maze during the event time. After that, if you are willing to enter the belly of the beast on your own, do at your own risk (and with no prize).
see For those who finish the maze during the event, you may have your choice of either a Zombie Horse or a Skeleton Horse! Rules:
1) No jetpacks
2) No mini maps (mods) or maze help of any kind
3) Enter at your own risk! There will be beds available to set your bed spawn
4) Prepare to be scared and wary of false starts For those that are not brave, there is also a mob museum to check out. Come one, come all and be sure to be dressed in your Halloween costume! Don’t forget to bring plenty of sticks and emeralds for Trick or Treat villager trading.
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