go to link As some of you old-timers remember, we have a geocaching center on Main. We thought it was time to bring this fun family centered activity to NuNu since it has grown so much! So announcing, Geocaching on Some Awesome – NuNu Style! Those not familiar with geocaching, let’s start with the basics.
https://www.yolascafe.com/pq1dzvgbg enter What is Geocaching?
http://www.mscnantes.org/4prx1hikcv Geocaching is basically a treasure hunt! It exists in real life and it is a wonderful family activity. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.
https://geolatinas.org/q9fg1idfz35 follow url How do I geocache?
see In the Geocaching Center, you will find a section for instructions (to the left), Geocache Book dispensers (up the stairs), the Trace your Trackable section (to the right and back) and a Hints center (to the right). You can access the Geocaching center by walking along the SOUTH road in the market.
https://guelph-real-estate.ca/5r0bwkrkh Here is how geocaching will work: when you visit the Geocaching Center, go to the second floor and retrieve ONE book from a geocaching dispenser. You may do the geocaches in order or in any order that you wish. This book must be returned (at the top of the stairs) when you have found your geocache. Please only take one book at a time. In the book you will find coordinates and information about a cache. Using the x y z coordinates contained within the book, you can navigate to the cache to find the hidden treasure! Each book also contains a hint on where the cache may be located. That might help narrow down a starting point for you.
enter site Notes on geocaching and cache locations:
https://www.elevators.com/37w7j5h8x 1) All caches are located in public properties. Do not go on any private property to search for a cache.
https://danivoiceovers.com/z27o3m0w2id 2) No caches are buried. They may be underneath things so look around but you should not have to dig in order to find a cache.
source url 3) All caches look the same. They are a single chest with a Geocaching Compass in an item frame on the outside.
Order Tramadol Paypal 4) Contained within each geocache is the following: a Welcome book for reading and putting back, a geocaching log for signing and putting back, possibly a trackable (see watch Trackable section for more information), and a number of items.
Tramadol 100Mg Buy Online 5) The random items in the chest are the treasure. However, the treasure system is take one, LEAVE one. If you cannot leave anything, please do not take anything.
https://alldayelectrician.com/bj7boid 6) Always leave an area better than you found it! (Meaning, don’t destroy the area. Be kind to the geocache. Be respectful.)
https://www.marineetstamp.com/yv1tyj4 7) Can’t find a cache even with the coordinates and hint? There are hints available as a last resort!
Tramadol Online Order Cheap Once you have found your cache, you have to return the book so it can be returned into the system.
watch Tramadol Online Mexico What is a Trackable?
source link A trackable is part of a collection of items that remain within the geocaching system. A trackable may be found in any of the geocaches. You will know a trackable because it is named, numbered, and enchanted. Trackables are meant to stay within the geocaching system and are NOT for personal use like the other items that can be found in the chests. If you find a trackable, take it and return to the geocaching center to sign the log associated with the trackable you found. It will be your responsibility to place the trackable back into the system (meaning, go to another geocache and leave the trackable in that cache). It is OK if there are multiple trackables in a geocache. Please be respectful of the trackable system and try to return the trackable to a geocache in a timely manner. If you cannot, there is a hopper where you can place the unwanted trackable and it can be placed back in the system.
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Ok, what else?
https://penielenv.com/bmasnxhb Please be respectful of the Geocaching system. It will not work unless everyone plays nice. No griefing, PLEASE! And the most important rule, HAVE FUN! Having a hard time finding a geocache? Check out the Hint Room located in the Geocaching Center. If you are interested in participating in making a geocache, contact Nancy Owen (dancingn27) and she will set you up!
https://mocicc.org/agricultura/wbatli9q8 If you find 5 geocaches or 10, sign your name on the Silver or Gold wall and contact dancingn27 (tag Nancy Owen on FB) for a prize! All participants should add their names to the main wall as well. Don’t forget once you found your first geocache, you can grab a Some Awesome Geocaching map! Happy Geocaching!