source link Easter is almost here so it’s time for our annual Easter Head Hunt!
click Purchase Tramadol Overnight Delivery For those who are new let me explain the idea behind the “head hunt” which sounds totally morbid, but really is a lot of fun. We’ve considered using mob spawn eggs in the past, but with mob griefing a concern on NuNu we don’t want anyone accidentally blowing up a community building or neighbors property. Unfortunately dying eggs on Minecraft isn’t a thing yet either, and aside from putting them in chests or hanging in items frames we can’t really hide them so we’ve had to improvise. We’ve done this event for several years and everyone always loves to find and trade the heads they find.
source site This year we’ll be hosting on NuNu in the new Villager Mall. Run and explore the new building while looking for all your neighbors special head blocks, and several other fun heads to collect. We used the names of players who have signed up on the birthday doc so if you would like your head to be hidden also you still have time to sign up (make sure your name is case sensitive and spelled exactly as your gamer tag or your head won’t match your skin).
source linkTramadol 50 Mg Buy The holiday area is open now and will be until Monday, April 17th. Don’t forget to visit the holiday villagers, the Easter Bunny, and the Easter Buddy for your holiday treats!
Purchase Tramadol Overnight Delivery and pick up your holiday collectors map courtesy of KismetFoxFire of our Crazy Map Ladies! As always, thank you for the beautiful map!
go to site Tramadol Online Usa We’ll see you Friday, April 14th at 8pm EST on NuNu. All players must be whitelisted to play. site go here Sign up here
Cod Tramadol Online Happy Easter!
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