Some Awesome Steam Run(s) – July 2018

What is the Steam Run?

follow url For those of you who are new, the Steam Run is an event we host on the server where we zero in on a mineshaft somewhere on the server, and we border it off from the rest of the world. We then go through the mineshaft, adding chests full of goodies for players to find, and depositing huge veins of rich ores for you to mine.  We also add some special rooms, and plenty of mobs to keep you on your toes. But most importantly of all, the Steam Run gets it name from the numerous books you can find, in each of which there is contained one Steam key, a game code you can then redeem on the Steam PC gaming distribution platform. Past Steam Runs have included up to 60 of these games, this year we’re taking it up a notch. Over 150 keys will be available to pick up, including titles like Jurassic Park: The Game, Dead Island GOTY Edition, Day of the Tentacle Remastered, and many more amazing hits, as well as indie gems and even game codes for the Playstation 4.

When is the Steam Run? We’ll be splitting the event in two this year, so we can get as many people as possible involved. The first of the two events takes place on the 4th of July, which is on a Wednesday this year, meaning most folks will actually get the day itself off (in America anyways). We’ll start at 2pm Eastern time so folks on the west coast can get involved, as well as people in the UK (since they’re probably not celebrating our independence LOL).

source link Anyone who cannot make the first event is welcome to come to the second, which is TBA as far as the date itself. Only people who did not attend the first event will be allowed at the second event so it’s fair.

here If you’re interested in attending the event on the 4th of July, please go into the Facebook event in the group and mark yourself as going, so we know what to expect for how long it should take, how many of the 150 keys to place, and who to put in the group for teleportation to the event.

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Rules of Engagement At the start of the event, we will teleport everyone to the location where there will be a starting room with tools, food, and beds to set your spawn. Once we have everyone together, we will announce in the chat the countdown as well as on the Discord voice channel. We will be streaming this event, so if you are in the Discord channel, be prepared to be on the stream as well.

click Power tools will be disabled for this event, but if you sign up for an account at and connect your Steam profile, we are rewarding players who do this with a custom diamond pickaxe that is enchanted with Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Unbreaking 3 and Mending. This will put everyone on equal footing right from the beginning. Sorry, but we realized after the last Steam Run that power tools were too OP, however once the run is over we generally let people use them to strip mine the place in case any goody caches are left behind.

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go here As per usual, the common rules of courtesy apply. For example, if someone has found a chest, you should not try to also go in that chest and try to snake some of the items out from under them. Flagrant attempts at piggybacking, cheating or other subversive behavior can result in getting banned, but I know you guys are cool so I’m expecting a fair show of things.

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Tramadol Rx Online This year we’ve actually bedrocked off the play area, so unless you hit a wall of bedrock, you’re still in the play area and fun stuff could be nearby, so keep those picks humming! The admins and I will be in spectate mode, and if you’re on the Discord channel we’re generally pretty liberal about telling you if you’re getting hot or cold with chests towards the endgame so it’s in your best interest to hop on there with us once the pickings start getting slim.

How Do I Activate My Steam Games After The Event?

go It’s the first entry in our Frequently Asked Questions area of the Some Awesome website so if you need to know how that works then click here. It’s customary for members to also trade their games after the Steam Run in the Facebook group so if you get a game and you don’t think you’ll like it, head over to the group and we’ll have a thread going for trades.

follow site Every time we do one of these it’s a lot of fun so we look forward to seeing you all there. Feel free to ask questions or add comments below or in the Facebook event or message me privately.

source url Thanks!  ~Serverus

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