http://www.mscnantes.org/63ismsl0cj1 Hey everyone! WordPress has this new drop cap thing so I’m totally abusing it, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. It’s almost the end of the month and so it is time to discuss what we built and how we built it.
Steam Run
get link We had an amazing Steam Run at the beginning of January, we certainly overdid it a little bit! With a 200×200 area filled to the teeth with diamond blocks, hoppers, droppers and of course, Floor Cakeā¢, we ushered folks through a veritable smorgasbord of loot, including 115 steam keys, split between two nights. Click the button below to see a recap of the event.
Upcoming Game Night https://mocicc.org/agricultura/owiys9a2sf9 s
https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/weqdj37yr2y Since we had a good experience with splitting our Steam Run event into two parts, we will be doing the same for other game nights and competitions going forward, unless otherwise noted. This will allow as many people as possible to attend the event.
https://www.elevators.com/753r4r4lx As before, Awesome Tier members will be able to participate in both days of the event, since one of their perks is guaranteed game night entry.
https://guelph-real-estate.ca/4y2uvk7 For February, we will be bringing back the Build Wars challenge. This time you will be tasked with building the biggest and best snowman that you can. Prizes will include a $30 Amazon gift card, SAMCoin, and more!

The Banner Saga

https://www.marineetstamp.com/c36vakke9 Have you seen our fancy new banner? Well it gets even better, as we’re letting YOU take control of the MOTD! Just go to http://smaws.me/motd and if you have access to Mineconnect on SomeAwesome.com, you can spend 2000 points for a guaranteed 24 hours of your personal custom message. Just keep in mind that I know how you guys think so I DID put tracking in there that tells me who changed it, so no funny business!
1.14 Preparation
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/z4vvwhfdp We all know it’s coming, so now is a good time as any to remind people how we do transitions to new versions of the game.
follow link It’s worth noting that we won’t be moving over to 1.14 the day that it releases, for a couple of reasons: Day-One versions of Minecraft are always notoriously buggy. Spigot will need to catch up, this will take a few days at least. Other plugins we use will also need to update Luckily all of these things shouldn’t take nearly as long as they did with 1.13, which was a huge change from 1.12, so even though we will have to wait just a little longer, it shouldn’t be too bad.
https://purestpotential.com/05uahfi1r Once we are ready to update, we will clone the server, at which point I will ask everyone to play on the cloned server for a bit and make sure their stuff is in order. We will give everyone a week to get on and check their stuff. Once this week is up, if you haven’t been able to get on, we’re sorry but we will have to proceed anyway (you should be fine though).
https://www.mbtn.net/?p=f48rxw2 Online Prescriptions Tramadol We’re really looking forward to pandas!

Region Commands
https://dcinematools.com/6c9crfvc Have you ever found a nice plot of land to claim but can’t remember if you’re in another person’s property? Just use follow url /region info and find out who owns the spot you’re standing on, and additional info on that region. Never go uninformed again!
https://lpgventures.com/1rmlrm50vp But the really great thing (for us admins anyway) is that now you can add your own members to your owned claims. That’s right, just use the following command to add as many members as you want without the help of an admin. Worldguard is helpful again YAAAAAAAY!
Order Tramadol Overnight Shipping https://alldayelectrician.com/amdfj9b /region addmember <your region name> <player name>
follow site And yes, just in case someone has overstayed their welcome, you have the go here removemember version as well…
New Nunu News

https://www.yolascafe.com/02fwcuuv We’ve ordered more flash drives for Nunu so if you missed the first round, click the button below and grab yours now!
Patreon Updates
https://purestpotential.com/iyof2a8u Just a friendly reminder that Patreon will be charged here on the 1st of February, so if you need to hop off for a month, or you want to upgrade your tier, then it needs to be done by the 31st.
https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/gyxf34jf1 In case you forgot, here’s the current list of rewards for being on each tier:
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/3l4cpve If you’ve been looking to upgrade to the Awesome Tier, now’s the time to do so, we’ve just opened up 4 more spots by popular demand, so hurry while you can because it’s first come, first served!
https://www.elevators.com/zl0sbsop8wn follow link Silver Tier
- Our undying gratitude
- Monthly Newsletter
- 300 points on SomeAwesome.com
- Your player head will be on the wall in our Patreon Room
- Full Backpack Rows
- Access to Command Zone
- 1500 additional points on SomeAwesome.com
- Access to the Patreon-only Discord Channel
click https://lpgventures.com/3eh5o56v Awesome Tier
- 2500 Additional Points on SomeAwesome.com
- Exempt from AFK Kick
- Permanent /repair (including /repair all)
- Monthly Loot Box
- 5000 additional points on SomeAwesome.com
- Access to the Secret Beta program
- Guaranteed Game Night Entry
go to link If you have any questions, as per usual you know where to find us, thanks again and we’ll see you on the stream tomorrow!