On The March

Hello and welcome to another episode of Serverus Catches Us All Up At The Last Moment, now on NBC Thursdays directly following Two and a Half Men

go here It’s been a month, but a short one, and in some ways that is good for us, and in others…not so much.

source I feel like I complain about every month at the end of every month. Pretty soon I will be shooing whippersnappers off my lawn. Anyway, let’s get to the stuff.


Build Wars 5 Continued

see url I admit, I messed up on the messaging for Build Wars 5, therefore we ended up having a lot of people who forgot about it after the poll, so we’re going to have another one this month, for anyone who didn’t participate in the first one. Same prizes will be available for this one as well. I’ll be putting up a poll this weekend to ask for best availability again.

https://www.mreavoice.org/e2kovgqtu Also it’s a great excuse for me to use this map again. Hey it’s my first challenge map give me a break ?

enter But hark! you say…what about the one we just had?!? No worries young Spartan, for your creations will be added to an album and thus made into a Sponsored Post on Facebook, where the public will judge ye. That happens this weekend as well.

https://www.elevators.com/3cb76fb5m To remind everyone how that works, it’s pretty simple.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/2ihybrump1o see MOST LIKES: $30 Amazon Gift Card
https://geolatinas.org/wzuers8doh 2ND MOST LIKES: 30,000 points on SomeAwesome.com
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/pczve4li0n 3RD MOST LIKES: 30 Levels of XP on AquaNu



here We’re on 19w09a now. That’s the update. More pillaging villaging killaging things in this one. Also it seems a little more stable than the last and if I believe what my trick knee is telling me, that means a pre-release is right around the corner!

Trash Can. Remember, a trash can…

https://www.yolascafe.com/r6k9u6z And also remember that today is the last day you can change your Patreon pledge, which will be processed tomorrow. Secret Beta folks should have received their items in their backpacks, if you can’t find yours please let me know, some of you guys have messy backpacks, I did what I could ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

source We are still working towards moving away from Patreon, and will have more news on that this month. All current patrons will be able to retain their tiers moving from one platform to the other so no worries about that.



https://penielenv.com/bd87v2mpwn SmoothSleep is on if you haven’t noticed already (it’s kind of hard not to) and Marriage Master is ending today, so get those smooches in while you can. There are new Kitz in the Serverus Shack as well.

  • Powaz Kitz: Increases your strength for 24 hours
  • Featherz Kitz: Adds slow falling + no fall damage to you for 24 hours
  • Affleck: I’m not going to explain this one

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=9kdz6ovj4cq All $500 SAMCoin apiece with a short cooldown, as per usual.

follow url March is typically notorious for special plugins so you are sure to expect some unorthodox weeks ahead ?

Upcoming Events

https://www.elevators.com/u69t4xi4ru Yes there are more events than even Rx Tramadol Online Build Wars 5 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo lined up for March. The area around CT will be home to our https://dcinematools.com/t6tv17d0ds Pot O Gold Hunt, featuring a special chest that disappears and reappears each time it is found by a lucky player, each time with different loot!

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/0hasbg3 During the entire month of March, the Lottery will run twice a day, so you can get double lucky!

Purchase Tramadol Cod Shipping And with any luck, we’ll finally get 1.14 and Spigot will update quickly!

Tramadol To Buy Any questions, you know where to find me.
https://mocicc.org/agricultura/m6ur39qma ~Serverus 

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