Tramadol Order Uk Around here we can totally appreciate when one of our players has a baby and names that wonderful child after a video game character. After all, we did it ourselves! So to celebrate the 5th birthday of Zelda, the daughter of our near and dear admin Akumo, we’ve decided to engage you all in a little community activity. site Starting on Monday, August 19th, and up to Zelda’s birthday (Sept 15), if one of our players uses the new “Akumo” emoticon in the Twitch chat during any Minecraft Monday, we will donate a dollar from the Patreon fund towards a gift for Zelda’s birthday (only counted once for each player on each Monday stream, although feel free to spam Akumo’s face in the chat as many times as you want ?)
go site Show your love for everything Akumo and make a kid’s birthday great with just a button click.
NUNU ON A STICK IS BACK IN STOCK Yes, we finally ordered more thumb drives to put copies of NuNu on for you, so if you’ve been waiting to get your copy, order one today before they are sold out again. NOTES! These notes are so quick now because I’m actually writing articles more often!
follow- New Facebook page in the server group explains all the Patreon tiers
- FlightPlus appears to be working better now (might not be perfect yet)
- WorldEdit & WorldGuard have been updated to latest build
- KeepInventory will be on until Monday, August 26th after the stream
- Command of the Week on Sunday night will be TripleJump This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.