Hey everyone! Serverus here with a few announcements. Got lots to talk about for the next few weeks so let’s get started.
Here’s the tl:dr version for anyone who just wants to skip to their favorite part (although why you’d want to miss any of my smooth jazz writing is beyond me).
New Commands of the Week
Nick Boxes
Upcoming Web Series
January Event Announcement
New Commands of the Week
I know it’s the first time in a while, but this week we’re actually getting a new command only ONE WEEK after I did the old command. I’d like to say we’re back on a regular schedule, but you know me, I’m flaky and prone to grumpitude, so I won’t make that promise! 🙂
First off, we’ve got one command that will span both servers. It’s one you all know and love, especially Helo21! That’s right, this week you’re getting…
TREEFELLER! (Or Chop if you’re hip, or TreeAssist if you want to be really literal)
If you’re new to Treefeller, basically all you have to do is use your axe against the bottom block of a tree, and it all comes down at once. Doesn’t work on giant trees of course, because that would be cruel to the server (also because those trees are generated by a plugin).
For the next two commands (which are also not really commands) we’ve got one for Main and one for Nunu. On Main we’re experimenting this week with…
One day in the world clock will be one day in Minecraft. It’s based on server time, so essentially it will follow Eastern Standard Time.
We’re testing some ideas on making Main a little more like Animal Crossing, and this is the first step (also we’d love to hear your ideas on this theme as well).
For Nunu you’ll be getting…
The XP Bank Exchange is great and all, but what if you’re too lazy to want to make the trip? What if you just want to store your XP in easy to retrieve bottles? Well this solves that problem for ya. I can think of a bunch of uses for XP bottles, including but not limited to:
- Currency
- Throw them at mobs (not sure this will do anything)
- Enchanting Shops
- Store your XP for later
OK maybe I can only think of 4 things but you guys have better imaginations than me.
Nick Boxes
Lately we’ve been seeing a few parents who want their children to be able to use their MC account without confusing the players online. We tried to solve this in the past by asking players to announce when their kid is coming on, but the effect is fleeting. So in light of that, we are offering command blocks to be put in your vault, that will either change your name to a pre-defined nickname, or conversely, turn that nickname off. So your child can pick whatever name they want and that will be their name on the server, they just have to pop into your vault and change it when they get on as you.
We’ve added a check box on the Server Rules for Nick Box, in the event that you want to request a pair of boxes, just replace the IGN with the nickname your kid wants, and put your name in the First Name / Last Name columns, we’ll take care of the rest!
Upcoming Web Series
Despite how fascinated I always am with the things you guys make, I’ve really never been able to see any of it up close and personal, and a picture only tells you so much (a thousand words, so I’ve heard). Since my engagement with the server has typically been limited to uptime, plugins, and officiating the occasional wedding, we felt like it was time to give me the grand tour, in a series that we’re calling:
Week after week, I’ll get on the server and Tonya “Torimili” Morris, a.k.a. My Wife, will show me around and take me to some of the wondrous things you guys have created, while I will probably flounder around and try to remember what keys do what. There will be much rejoicing!
January Event Announcement
Furthermore, we’ll be using this flagship episode to give away a few Steam games, and announce the group event for January. We’ll be streaming live on Friday, January 20th, and the event will be the following Friday, January 27th. You’ll want to tune in as we’ll be revealing the place to sign up for the event, and we’ll only be allowing 30 sign ups, so to get yours in before they’re out, make sure you watch the show.
Did you skip down to this section from the top? You’ll probably want to read the above section for any of that to make sense. READ MY WORDS!
Hugs and Kisses XOXO
~ Your Beloved Server Guy